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Jasper County Invasives Initiative
Interested in learning more about invasive species in Jasper County? The Jasper County Invasives Initiative goals are to educate, engage and empower local citizens on invasive species in Jasper County. Check out our Facebook Page for more information on upcoming meetings and events
Contact us at jaspercountyinvasives@gmail.com
Are you curious to know what invasive species are on your property? Schedule a landowner survey with Mandi Glanz, Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) Regional Specialist serving northwest Indiana. She can be reached at mandi@sicim.info
"Indiana Invasives Initiative (III): In late 2017, Southern Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) entered into a contribution agreement for the purpose of developing local Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) throughout Indiana. Both SICIM and the NRCS have been working for many years to combat invasive plants and raise public awareness of the devastation being caused by these non-native pests, and both have come to the realization that we will not begin to make much headway until the problem is addressed at the local level by local people using local resources." (www.sicim.info/cisma-project)
"What is a CISMA??
CISMAs are Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas. Sometimes called Coalitions, Partnerships, or Councils, CISMAs are formed to collectively combat the problem of invasive species spreading across the landscape. They can vary greatly in their geographic range, activity level, and focus, and are usually comprised of representatives from various governmental agencies, non-profits, and concerned citizens or citizen groups.
CISMAs have been shown to very effectively target invasive species problems by engaging local interests and addressing invasive issues across various types of land ownership. By working together at the local level, CISMA partners are able to pool resources and knowledge to address mutual invasive species problems." (www.sicim.info/cismas)